Enter the mind of an obsessive compulsive, anal retentive women in the city. She's turning 30, has a pantry and an uncontrollable need to feed everyone she meets.
pantrygirl's Articles In Personal Relationships
June 17, 2004 by citygirl
So my pet peeve of being a project manager is that when you do your job well, you get little fanfare. When you screw up a job, it's like your name is plastered everywhere. I was riding into work this morning, when I realized that every project I've given blood, sweat and tears on has been acknowledged but a week later, it's forgotten. It's not until a year later when another project that ties into my previous project's outcomes is when people recall the amount of work I did to make it tr...
August 8, 2004 by citygirl
I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and in need of hiding of late. Honestly, my schedule has been tight. With family having babies, surgical procedures, get togethers and work taking me out of state and the prospects of a new career path in my scope, I understand why my mind wants to go on sabbatical. Oh let's not forget the creeping blob of a germ that invaded my ears from cheap earrings and is making it's way to my nose. Sorry, but I'm never ever going to buy earrings again that don...
August 10, 2004 by citygirl
My mom called me. She's worried my immune system is surpressed due to all the running around for work and what not. Then she noted that she doesn't want to leave the house anymore. She just doesn't have the energy anymore. I gather it's the meds they have her on but it's still disconcerting. I think she's gotten really down and lethargic after the accident. Anywho, I promised her that I'd come over with dinner at the end of the month. I guess dinner and a movie. I'd love to buy ...