Jingling and Hacking up Loogies I’ve been suffering from a new kind of ill. A cold so vile, I spent 5 days in bed. 5 days of coughing, sneezing, wheezing, expectorating, sweating, and shivering. It all started on Christmas Eve. All cookies were baked, packaged and mailed. All presents were wrapped. All I needed was a nice winter’s nap but alas it was Christmas and the Christmas tour bus was waiting. First stop, our cousins. I’m not sure if it was the jovial times or the liquor but all seeme...
My mom called me. She's worried my immune system is surpressed due to all the running around for work and what not. Then she noted that she doesn't want to leave the house anymore. She just doesn't have the energy anymore. I gather it's the meds they have her on but it's still disconcerting. I think she's gotten really down and lethargic after the accident. Anywho, I promised her that I'd come over with dinner at the end of the month. I guess dinner and a movie. I'd love to buy ...
I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and in need of hiding of late. Honestly, my schedule has been tight. With family having babies, surgical procedures, get togethers and work taking me out of state and the prospects of a new career path in my scope, I understand why my mind wants to go on sabbatical. Oh let's not forget the creeping blob of a germ that invaded my ears from cheap earrings and is making it's way to my nose. Sorry, but I'm never ever going to buy earrings again that don...
Because I love my husband and I enjoy aggravating my ulcer, I decided to throw a surprise birthday party for my hubby. If party planning isn't bad enough, I'm doing this hush hush and all by myself. I'm a bit stressed as is and yet I get a call from my pop-in-law to tell me: 1) Did you know that you scheduled it in September? Yes, your son's birthday is in september. 2) Why did you write to rsvp to your email address? Won't hubby read it? No, we have private emails. BTW, pop...
It's been awhile. My apologies. Life has been hectic. After months of nagging, my hubby and I finally started hanging pictures on the walls. Now, it's not like it's hard. We have picture rails everywhere. It was unpacking the boxes which seemed the most daunting. We also took a four day vacation together. It was much needed. We didn't go anywhere but spent alot of time together. We did chores together. We visited family. We reconnected. Work has been pulling us and it was...
It's bad enough I'm dealing with stalkers outside my building but this whole training users how to install a frickin' simple software is ridiculous. We have a full staff of trainers. They get paid to train. I'm a technical analyst. I get paid to coordinate, implement and manage the technical enhancements. How cost efficient is it for the university to have a technical person (1 in 3 for the division, mind you) be pulled out to show a user how to point and click? Fine. I voice my ob...
My hubby went grocery shopping with me this weekend. He couldn't understand how I can spend $100/week on groceries/household items/drugstore supplies. He spent about as much on fruits. He apparently read in Men's Health that fruit is good for you. So he bought 3 of each apple possible, pears, grapefruits, raspberries, bananas as well as an assortment of nuts. I asked him how in the world he expected to eat all these fruits before they went bad. He just looked at me like spoiled fr...
Ok, so I've been swamped at work and haven't been able to write for a while but I thought I'd pop in and share a funny site. Apparently, a bunch of students at a local high school were a bit peeved by the rhetoric they heard day to day from vegetarians and decided to create their own club: MEAT - Mammals Eating Animals Today Honestly, I'd support them. They are selling t-shirts as a fund raising drive for Heifer International, which provides farm animals to third-world communities. ...
So I'm a few hours away from my first cooking class. I'm nervous yet excited. I always picture myself doing something horribly wrong. In this case, I'm imagining I set a fellow classmate's hair on fire or chopping a digit off. So I'm wondering what if anything I should get for my stepdad for Father's Day. Usually, my brother and I don't purchase anything. Instead it's been dinners. I honestly, wouldn't mind getting him something if I knew of something he might like. I think a nice d...
So my pet peeve of being a project manager is that when you do your job well, you get little fanfare. When you screw up a job, it's like your name is plastered everywhere. I was riding into work this morning, when I realized that every project I've given blood, sweat and tears on has been acknowledged but a week later, it's forgotten. It's not until a year later when another project that ties into my previous project's outcomes is when people recall the amount of work I did to make it tr...
So I was told I am scheduled to go to Boston for a conference. The conference I wanted to go to in Chicago is being attended by my boss. It's not that I don't like Boston. It's that my new baby second cousin was just born and I was hoping to visit. [Yes, a tad selfish, I know.] Hopefully, I can visit my good friend and her daughter (my first foray into being a lamaze coach, thank you very much. [::Citygirl pats self on back::]). Well, I don't mind the conferences. I learn a few thi...
As a project manager, the hardest part for me is the "passing of the buck". Many a times, I encounter passing of the buck from supervisors, managers and directors. It seems it's human nature to pass off something that you dislike doing and/or have no clue how to do. Although understandable, I feel as an adult who freely accepts the responsibility, you should suck it up and do it or tell me right off the bat, you don't want to do it/you do not have the expertise/knowledge to do it. I hate ...
I went to work early so I can leave early. Good grief people, there are too many of you out there at 7am. I saw more cars on my block, more people on the streets and I couldn't get my morning cup of Joe because the lines at the three coffee shops were out the door! [No wonder Starbucks opens catacorner to each other.] It's no wonder everyone is grumpy in the morning. I could only imagine how the trains were. There is something to be said for working later hours. I miss this morni...
It has been a while since I wrote. I placed a self imposed sabbatical last week. No PCs. No hours vegged out on the couch. I even left my cell phone at home, occasionaly. I spent the week focusing on my home life and my personal life. [Ok. My mother in law was supposed to come but she cancelled. Instead of going into to work, I decided I should take the time I was scheduled off and decompress.] I took the week off and started making my husband lunches to bring to work. We tried it...
Since I had to leave the house in a unconventional hour for me (7:30am), I changed hurriedly and without much natural sunlight. (Hubby was asleep and I didn't want to open the blinds and wake him.) Unfortunately, as I was changing out of my work clothes I just noticed (and it's 10pm, currently) that I had a nasty stain on the front of my skirt that was whitish in color that some with dirty minds would assume to be of a biological nature. And less noticeable for most is the fact that I ...