Enter the mind of an obsessive compulsive, anal retentive women in the city. She's turning 30, has a pantry and an uncontrollable need to feed everyone she meets.
pantrygirl's Articles In Home & Family » Page 2
August 6, 2004 by citygirl
Because I love my husband and I enjoy aggravating my ulcer, I decided to throw a surprise birthday party for my hubby. If party planning isn't bad enough, I'm doing this hush hush and all by myself. I'm a bit stressed as is and yet I get a call from my pop-in-law to tell me: 1) Did you know that you scheduled it in September? Yes, your son's birthday is in september. 2) Why did you write to rsvp to your email address? Won't hubby read it? No, we have private emails. BTW, pop...
July 20, 2004 by citygirl
It's been awhile. My apologies. Life has been hectic. After months of nagging, my hubby and I finally started hanging pictures on the walls. Now, it's not like it's hard. We have picture rails everywhere. It was unpacking the boxes which seemed the most daunting. We also took a four day vacation together. It was much needed. We didn't go anywhere but spent alot of time together. We did chores together. We visited family. We reconnected. Work has been pulling us and it was...
June 28, 2004 by citygirl
My hubby went grocery shopping with me this weekend. He couldn't understand how I can spend $100/week on groceries/household items/drugstore supplies. He spent about as much on fruits. He apparently read in Men's Health that fruit is good for you. So he bought 3 of each apple possible, pears, grapefruits, raspberries, bananas as well as an assortment of nuts. I asked him how in the world he expected to eat all these fruits before they went bad. He just looked at me like spoiled fr...
June 7, 2004 by citygirl
It has been a while since I wrote. I placed a self imposed sabbatical last week. No PCs. No hours vegged out on the couch. I even left my cell phone at home, occasionaly. I spent the week focusing on my home life and my personal life. [Ok. My mother in law was supposed to come but she cancelled. Instead of going into to work, I decided I should take the time I was scheduled off and decompress.] I took the week off and started making my husband lunches to bring to work. We tried it...
May 26, 2004 by citygirl
I've tried to stop in a jot a little something daily but unfortunately the last two days have been quite hectic in the workfront. First, my colleague is on vaca and my other colleague was pulled into an emergency conference on Monday leaving me to man the fort. Then, I realized that my plans to have the software upgrade website up by the first week of June had to be pushed back to the second week on account of my brain not realizing this is the last week of May. But anyhow, I just got ...
May 24, 2004 by citygirl
We have an auditor here today. Although an audit is stressful, for the most part, we're all semi-calm. Responses include "Well, she can stuff it." and "She wants what?!" But all in all, everyone is giving her as much info as possible. They've put me in charge of directing her to what she needs. Essentially, it entails me running around making sure that we have what she needs by getting a team to run around like on a treasure hunt for supporting documentation. All the while, looking ca...
May 19, 2004 by citygirl
My husband and I agreed to do our own laundry. This has been a standing agreement since we moved to an apartment that does not allow washers and dryers. I do my laundry, the pet's laundry and any household laundry. He does his own. I'm quite happy with this arrangement. Why? My husband changes clothes more often than a supermodel changes clothes for a runway show. And his clothes are of the bulky variety, sweatpants, layers of shirts, etc. On Monday, I ran downstairs to do my laun...